Accredited Private Secondary School
YFT’s State and regionally accredited secondary school provides at-risk children a stable, supportive educational environment. Our school, grades 7-12, offers at-risk children an opportunity to live and learn together, outside their homes, within a stable and supportive environment.. The purpose of YFT’s school is to provide a way for young people to excel through high-quality education. Enrichment programs – including after-school tutoring, recreation, information technology, the arts, and clinical therapy– are offered on campus.
The purpose of YFT’s school is to provide a way for young people to excel through high-quality education. Enrichment programs – including after-school tutoring, recreation, information technology, the arts, and clinical therapy- are offered on campus.
YFT’s school is well-regarded in the social services and education communities. Many social workers refer their children to YFT because of the opportunity to provide a residential education as a viable and important option for children, particularly teenagers. Our students live in single-family homes on campus. YFT’s school is a diploma granting and State Certified Special Education Secondary School offering a 12 month curriculum.
Youth For Tomorrow believes in providing students with a breath of knowledge needed to compete in today’s society. We believe in the equal importance of spiritual and intellectual development, and the benefits of hard work.
Our education service offers adolescents, grades 7-12, a secondary education or GED. We foster self-discipline, independence, creativity, and curiosity.
Youth For Tomorrow teachers are licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education. Our secondary school is fully accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Specialized Education Facilities (VAISEF), an accreditation recognized by the Commonwealth of Board of Education and regionally by Cognia.
Are you interested in more information? Call 703-368-7995 YFT has a rolling admissions process which permits a student to enroll at any time of the year.
programs offer the following:
- Assist students with special education needs and design Individual Educational Programs (IEP'S)
- State endorsed core curriculum
- Standards of Learning (SOL) online testing
- Awarding of HS diploma or GED certificate
- Academic and behavior related assessments
- Mental health supports
- Provide high level academic program that meets each student's current academic needs
- Provide a challenging college preparation or vocational track program
- Provide assistance to students, ages 17 or older, assistance in working towards a GED diploma
- Guidance in career, vocational, military and college planning